Emerging from a history of loss and long-suffering love, Amy is a product of an industrial erosion struggling against vast open spaces. Her dreams are its clouds, ambition her sky, her form of the earth.
In thought she cautiously opens, in the word she is ruminative, in practice, she is composed, in desire she is tacit, in disappointment she is forgiving, in rest she is pleasure, in the effort she is indefatigable.
She intuitively understands the difference between the slight of touch which nudges the people of this world toward their unfolding longing, and the load-bearing balance required to bastion a fledgling community. She moves with us all, patient, determined, carrying more than her share, and always ever forward.
Her ungrudging courage is formidable in its humility and redoubtable to those in need of its inspiration and shelter.
Amy is a sister. Amy is a family. Amy is a beating heart. Amy is a home.
Through the blinding dust on this road of life, Amy is alongside you.
Amy Shelver delivers.